Why Charging Your Worth Is Non-Negotiable for Doula Success

Pricing Your Doula Packages (with freakin’ confidence)

Let’s talk about a hot topic in the doula world: charging your worth. If your gut clenches when you think about raising your prices or you’ve caught yourself saying, “I’ll charge less because I’m still new,” keep reading, because we’re about to flip that mindset on its head.

Here’s the truth: undercharging doesn’t serve you or your clients. When you undervalue your work, you risk burnout, resentment, and clients who aren’t fully invested in the process. Charging your worth isn’t about greed—it’s about honoring the transformation you provide, respecting your time and energy, and ensuring your clients receive the premium experience they deserve.

Let’s break this down step by step:

Doula-Math Formula: What to Charge as a Doula

Stop pulling numbers out of thin air or comparing yourself to the doula next door. You need to know *exactly* what you want to make and reverse-engineer your pricing from there. This is what I call ‘backwards math.’

Here’s how it works:

1. Decide on Your Annual Income Goal: Let’s say you want to make $60,000 a year.

2. Figure Out Your Capacity: How many clients can you realistically take on without losing your mind? Let’s say that’s 20 births per year.

3. Calculate Your Rate: Divide your income goal by your capacity.

- $60,000 / 20 clients = $3,000 per client

Boom. That’s your rate.

Now, you may be thinking, “But I can’t charge $3,000 because *insert excuse here.*” Trust me—you can. And you should. Why? Because your rate isn’t arbitrary. It’s built to sustain your life, your energy, and your ability to provide exceptional care.

What Goes Into Your Price? Breaking Down the Costs

Charging your worth means factoring in all the hidden costs of being a doula, not just your time at births or at your client’s home postpartum.

- Your Time: Prenatal visits, postpartum follow-ups, on-call availability (hello, being glued to your phone for weeks!).

- Your Expertise: Your education, certifications, and the emotional labor of holding space for families.

- Business Expenses: Gas, childcare, marketing, website fees, supplies—these things add up.

- Taxes: Because Uncle Sam always gets his cut.

When you start adding it all up, you’ll realize that $500 births aren’t sustainable—and they never were.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Doulas

One of the quickest ways to undercut yourself is to look at what other doulas are charging and think, *I have to match their prices to compete.* No, you don’t. Pricing yourself based on someone else’s worth is a recipe for disaster.

Here’s what matters:

- The value you bring.

- The transformation you offer.

- The experience and support you provide.

Someone will always be cheaper. Someone will always be “more experienced.” But no one has your perspective, your energy, or your approach. Stop trying to compete and start communicating your value.

The Money Mindset Work You Can’t Skip

Here’s the deal: if you don’t believe you’re worth the rates you’re charging, neither will anyone else. Sales start with your energy. If you’re showing up to consultations apologetic about your pricing or scared to name your rates, it’s game over.

Money mindset is about *unpacking the beliefs* that hold you back:

- “I’m not experienced enough to charge this.”

- “What if they think I’m greedy?”

- “I’ll lose clients if I raise my rates.”

None of this is true. The people who value your work and are ready to invest will step up—but you have to believe you’re worth it first.

Sales Psychology: Selling a Premium Service as a Birth worker

Here’s what you need to understand about sales psychology: people value what they pay for. When you charge premium rates, you’re communicating:

1. This service is valuable.

2. This experience is premium.

3. You are worth this investment.

Doulas provide life-changing support during one of the most vulnerable, powerful times in a person’s life. That is a premium service. Period.

And let’s be clear: premium pricing doesn’t mean you’re taking advantage of anyone. It means you’re charging in alignment with the transformation you provide. Families who invest in you are also investing in *themselves.* They’re saying, “This support matters to me.”

Selling is the gateway to serving. Truly understanding your prospective client will make or break your ability to sell your service. Here are my Top 3 Must-Ask Questions I use in every consultation!

The Answer Isn’t “More Clients”—It’s Raising Your Rates

If you’re burnt out, stretched thin, and still struggling to hit your income goals, the answer isn’t to take on more clients. The answer is to raise your rates and improve your sales skills.

When you:

- Charge more per client

- Communicate your value with confidence

- Convert more consultations…

…you can work less and make more. Imagine serving fewer families, but serving them deeply. Imagine showing up to births with energy, excitement, and zero resentment because you’re being paid what you’re worth.

That’s the power of premium pricing.

Final Thoughts: Charge Your Worth, Serve Your Clients

Charging your worth isn’t just about money—it’s about showing up fully for your clients, honoring the transformation you provide, and building a sustainable business that supports *you*.

So, do the backwards math. Get clear on what you want to earn and what it takes to get there. Stop comparing yourself to other doulas. Do the inner work around money mindset and let go of the fear that you’re “asking for too much.” You’re not. You’re asking for what you deserve.

And remember: when you sell with confidence, communicate your value, and charge premium rates, you’re not just serving yourself—you’re serving your clients in the most intentional, powerful way possible.

You are worth it. Your work is worth it. Now go out there and own it.


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