Navigating Nausea in Pregnancy: How to Survive Morning Sickness

Dealing with nausea during pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster, but hang tight, it's only temporary and your body is incredibly resilient. Give yourself some grace and let's dive into some game-changing tips to help you tackle that morning sickness.

 Finding effective natural remedies for morning sickness can be a game-changer. That's why I'm thrilled to share my insights and favorite coping strategies with you. Together, we'll make this journey a little smoother. 

Let's Bust Some Myths and Understand the Science Behind Morning Sickness

 Did you know that about 70-80% of pregnant women experience nausea at some point? It's a common companion, especially in the first trimester. But here's the good news: for most of us, it starts easing up by week 13. So, if you're still feeling nauseous past that point, know that you're not alone, and it usually gets better from here on out. Only 9% of women experience nausea past 20 weeks. Hang in there! While the exact cause of morning sickness isn't fully understood, several theories exist: 

  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Liver strain
  • Adrenal stress
  • Nutrient imbalances
  • Bacterial infections 

 Understanding these triggers can help us tailor remedies that fit your unique needs. 

Let's Get Personal: Identifying Your Nausea Triggers

 It's time to play detective with your body. What makes your nausea worse? 

  • Certain smells?
  • The time of day?
  • Specific foods?
  • Sudden movements?
  • Getting up too quickly?
  • Eating too much or too little?
  • Meals that are out of balance?

 Listening to your body's signals is the first step in finding relief. Keep in mind, if you find it impossible to keep anything down, it's crucial to reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. You may be experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum, which might require medical intervention or medication for relief.   

Practical Tips to Tackle Nausea Head-On

 Here are some strategies to help you cope: 

  • Stick to simple carbohydrates.
    • Choose easy-to-digest carbs like rice and fruit. They tend to digest the fastest (before you throw up), so at least you can take in some nutrition. 


  • Beware of blood sugar spikes and dips.
    • Balance your meals with protein and healthy fats. Even a couple sips of a protein shake or a handful of nuts can make a difference.


  • Stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes after vomiting.
    • Opt for drinks with potassium, sodium and magnesium, like this one.
    • Incorporate ginger in various forms for its soothing properties.


  • Experiment with aromatherapy.
    • Studies show that a highly effective blend consists of 4 drops of pure essential lavender oil and 1 drop of pure essential peppermint oil.


Choosing the Right Prenatal Vitamins.

 Prenatal vitamins are essential, but not all are created equal. Look for ones with activated forms for better absorption. High-quality ingredients are key. This powder formulation is my favorite. (Use EMPOWEREDBIRTHCOACHING for 20% offHere’s my go-to elixir to help fight against morning sickness (and a sneaky way to get your prenatals in too!): Calm Belly Brew Recipe Consider Additional Supplements like Magnesium Magnesium can offer relief from various pregnancy discomforts. If you're tired of swallowing pills, try this luxurious magnesium lotion instead. Bonus benefits include more restful sleep and relief from muscle aches and constipation.  Bedside Snacks and Eating Habits Having snacks within reach when you first wake up is key to fighting blood sugar drops. Eating small, frequent meals can help manage nausea too. Avoiding strong odors and mindfully eating meals are some of the ways women ward off feeling sick.  Exploring Holistic Remedies and Therapies Explore holistic remedies like magnesium-rich foods, aromatherapy, acupressure, and vitamin B6 supplements to ease nausea. These natural approaches can all complement your overall well-being during pregnancy. Embracing Community Support Lastly, don't underestimate the power of community. Finding a supportive group of like-minded women can provide invaluable encouragement and shared experiences, making your pregnancy journey feel less challenging. I host a Virtual Mothers Circle every month. We’d love to have you. Sign up here. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and with the right tools and support, you can navigate morning sickness and truly enjoy this fleeting time.  Are you suffering from nausea? What time of day is the hardest? What’s worked for you?

Get my FREE nausea guide for more helpful tips and recipes!

-Coach Lisa

ReferencesHowland, G. (2020, December 7). Natural morning sickness remedies: 10 things that really work. Mama Natural. Gravidarum: Do you have it? (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic., L. (2020, October 26). Why prenatal nutrition guidelines need to be updated. Lily Nichols RDN.


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