Human Milk Sharing, Breastfeeding & The Magic of Donor Milk

Let’s Freakin’ Normalize Donor Milk & Milk Sharing

There’s no questioning the immense pressure that parents face to achieve unrealistic goals across the board. This couldn’t be more true of baby feeding.

Feeding our babies is bigger than just nourishment; it's about creating a loving bond with your baby. That's why I’m stoked to share a favorite resource of mine, Share the Drop, a revolutionary platform that empowers families to access donor milk and build supportive communities.

Registry Rehab

As a certified registry consultant and pregnancy coach, I strive to share diverse options for human milk feeding to my clients, recognizing milk donation as a vital component. I'm super passionate about empowering expecting parents through knowledge. My in-depth registry consultations equip you with the information you need to make informed choices for your growing family.

I dream of a world where every family, regardless of background or circumstance, has the support and resources to meet their human milk-feeding goals. This is why I’m devoted to spreading the word about platforms like Share the Drop (and women like Kelly Cox, who make it possible).

Share the Drop: Transforming Milk Donation

Share the Drop disrupts the traditional milk donation landscape. They connect families with local donors, eliminating shipping costs and fostering local support networks.

I’m particularly impressed by their commitment to accessibility. Donors can offer milk free of charge, while recipients can access the platform through a modest subscription, with a free option for WIC/SNAP-eligible families.

Feed it Forward: Investing in Equity

Understanding that health equity starts with access, Share the Drop's Feed it Forward program allows individuals and organizations to contribute subscriptions for families in need.

This initiative embodies the belief that every family deserves support in providing the best possible start for their infants.

Bridging the Gap: Donor Milk for All

Many families face barriers to traditional milk donation networks. Share the Drop steps in, creating a platform that makes donor milk more accessible, reducing logistical hurdles and costs.

This ensures more infants receive the benefits of human milk, fostering a healthier start in life.

Building Community Around Milk Sharing

I know firsthand the power of community support in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum- especially with breastfeeding. Share the Drop fosters local connections between families and donors.

These connections go beyond milk exchange, creating a foundation for ongoing support, shared experiences, and mutual encouragement. This is especially crucial for marginalized communities where support systems are limited.

Technology for Equity: Leveling the Playing Field

Share the Drop makes donor milk accessible by leveraging technology. Their platform allows users to find matches based on location, bypassing barriers like socio-economic status or geographic isolation.

Additionally, the Feed it Forward program exemplifies a commitment to equity by enabling sponsorships for families in need.

Addressing Disparities: More Than Just Milk

Health disparities often stem from limited access to lactation support and culturally competent healthcare. For families who struggle to breastfeed, donor milk can be a vital part of their feeding plan, offering the benefits of human milk when direct breastfeeding isn't possible.

Holistic Health: Beyond Nutrition

Food equity is about more than just calories; it's about supporting the overall health of infants and families. Share the Drop contributes to these outcomes by ensuring more infants can access the immunological and developmental advantages of human milk.

In underserved communities, this access can help level the playing field, offering every child the best start possible.

Beyond the Bottle: Nurturing Feeding Practices

The registry consultations that I offer go above and beyond narrowing a mother’s feeding preferences. I work with families to educate them on techniques such as paced bottle-feeding, which closely mimics breastfeeding, offering a natural feeding experience for bottle-fed babies.

I recommend paced bottle-feeding for families using donor milk or supplementing breastfeeding. This method allows for slower feeding, better intake management, and proper digestion, while also encouraging the baby's active participation.

The benefits go further than nutrition, including promoting bonding, supporting oral development, reducing feeding problems, and easing the transition between breast and bottle.

I am very passionate about sharing the mission of Share the Drop’s Kelly Cox. This is not just about milk donation; it's about building community. Kelly believes that connecting mothers fosters support and reduces postpartum depression- and I agree with her, 100%!


Registry Rehab: A Pregnancy Coach’s Take on Your Baby Shower