Continuous Fetal Monitoring: Fussing Over Nothing..

Debunking Birth Monitoring Myths

In this episode I dive into the nitty-gritty of fetal monitoring during labor. Spoiler alert: it's not a one-size-fits-all situation!

Belly vs. Belt: We crack open the truth about both Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM), the classic belt-and-machine combo, and hands-on listening, a more mobile approach.

EFM: Friend or Foe? We' unveil the potential downsides of EFM- but we also cover its benefits.

The Choice is Yours: Here's the empowering part: you get to choose! This episode equips you to have a confident conversation with your caregiver and advocate for the monitoring method that best suits your birth vision.

Ready to rock a birth experience that's truly yours? Tune in and get empowered!

Bonus Freebie! Feeling queasy in your first trimester? We've got your back (literally)! Snag your free Morning Sickness Survival Guide for nausea-busting tips and tricks.


Pregnant Mama, This Is The Worst Position To Birth In (Part 5 of 5)


Say Heck No to IV Fluids in Labor