Babymoon: Celebrate Pregnancy, Your Way! (And Ditch the Pressure)

Let's be honest, for many of us expecting mamas, the idea of a babymoon is just adding another item to our already daunting pregnancy to-do list and it can feel overwhelming. When I was pregnant, the thought of traveling, planning trips, or anything spontaneous sent shivers down my spine. I was a first-time mom-to-be, and frankly, I had no idea how I would feel in a week, let alone a month.Women bombarded me with stories of exhaustion, aches, and general "feeling-like-garbage" experiences. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck somewhere wishing I was curled up on my own couch. Maybe it's just me, but babymoons seem to be turning into the new "modern bachelorette party." You know, those extravagant out-of-town excursions that require a small fortune and leave you with a hangover (and a hefty credit card bill).

Why a Babymoon?

The real purpose of a babymoonThere's no one-size-fits-all answer. But for me, it was about one-on-one time with my husband. My love language has always been quality time, so when I envisioned our babymoon, it was about:

  • Connecting with my partner: Creating lasting memories together.
  • Reminiscing: About the good old days (pre-baby!) and how we fell in love.
  • Deep Discussions: Talking about our hopes and anxieties for the future, and opening up about how I was feeling.

On top of that, I craved a break from the overwhelm. The pregnancy to-do list seemed to grow a mile long every day, with the baby shower looming and the constant busyness of our entrepreneurial lives. I yearned for something romantic, calm, quiet, with a touch of adventure (and maybe a sprinkle of luxury!).It wasn't about spending a ton of money. It was about finding a beautiful atmosphere where we could feel that deep connection and closeness. Something that felt truly authentic to us as a couple, and soon-to-be parents.

But here's the thing I also wish I had planned...

A Mamamoon- a solo trip for ME! Yes, a trip alone focused entirely on self-care. Imagine! Connecting with my bad self, taking care of myself, and giving myself the space to do the things that often fall by the wayside during pregnancy.My ideal solo mamamoon would be all about:

  • Journaling: Processing all the emotions and changes happening within me.
  • Letter Writing: Writing heartfelt letters to my baby, my partner, and even my future self.
  • Spontaneity: Breaking free from the routine and embracing new experiences.
  • Quiet Reflection: Finding the space to quiet the noise and gain clarity.

Because experiences like these are what truly foster a positive mindset and inner strength. These are the real essentials for an empowering birth experience (not expensive baby swings). No fancy nursery furniture or designer diaper bag can offer that serious self-care. This is what supporting yourself as a new mama looks like, and this is what I want for all of my pregnant clients.

Let's Ditch the Pregnancy Pressure and Spark Inspiration!

What are your babymoon ideas? Would you take a mamamoon? Maybe a luxurious getaway is exactly what you crave. Perhaps a cozy staycation with your partner sounds perfect. Or maybe a solo adventure is calling your name! Why not both?Share your thoughts in the comments below and inspire other mamas-to-be!Remember, the most important thing is to prioritize your well-being during pregnancy. Because as new mamas, we deserve to feel supported, nurtured, and ready to embrace our growth.PS If you’re nodding your head and 100% agree that you need some me-time, BUT you’re also hella anxious about your growing list of tasks, I have a ton of free resources to help you prioritize the things weighing you down: Registry ✅Birth Plan ✅Nesting party ✅Freezer meals ✅4th trimester recovery plan  ✅Subscribe to my newsletter and shoot me an email so we can tackle those to-dos one by one, and fast!


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