How To Have A Natural Hospital Birth Secret #1

Of course some birthing people feel most comfortable delivering their baby at home or at a nearby birthing center. Some are even jumping on the free birth train these days. 

But the vast majority of people choose the hospital - over 98% to be exact (Howland, 2019).  Whatever your reasons are for wanting a hospital birth, I support you, judgment free. 

If you’re wondering if you can still give birth naturally in a hospital, the answer is absolutely YES YOU CAN— and preparation is key. 

Here are my top secrets that will make or break a natural hospital birth- 

Secret #1:Gather Your Dream Team.

Let's start with your practitioner. It is common to default to the OB-GYN you have been receiving care from since you were 20 years old…but what if I told you there are many options, and it’s worth taking a beat to find someone who is aligned with you and your values at the present moment? 

It could require some digging on your part, but it is worth it. You are inviting someone into your birth space. The energy they bring into the room matters. Their outlook on birth also matters.

You have options:

Birth Centers-

Birth centers exist within some hospitals. In addition, some hospital providers include Certified Nurse Midwives within their practice. At the end of the day, OB-GYNs are surgeons. Many of them (definitely not all of them though) rely heavily on technology such as continuous fetal monitoring- which often means you’re confined to a hospital bed. Many of them welcome interventions such as induction and the use of IV fluids. 

This ‘medical management’ perspective can create some roadblocks for your natural birth plan. Midwives, on the other hand, are known for taking a whole body approach focused on the wellness of the birthing person. These practitioners tend to support physiological birth.

Location. Location. Location.- 

This goes hand in hand with selecting and interviewing a practitioner. Keep in mind, you can always set your sights on a hospital-affiliated birth center first and then circle back to choosing your provider. 

Either way, RESEARCH YOUR HOSPITAL. Call and ask for a tour. Arrive prepared for your visit. I love generating thought provoking questions in our group coaching sessions. Clients are often inspired by one another’s interview strategy. Interview questions can be found on the Trusted Empowered Birth Coaching (EBC) Catalog. 

Hire a Doula.-

I repeat- make sure to hire a Doula if it’s accessible. 

Evidence shows that continuous support from a Doula increases your chances of having a spontaneous vaginal birth without vacuum or forceps assistance. Research also indicates that having a Doula present decreases your chances of using pain medication, epidurals or having a cesarean section (Howland, 2019). 

Doulas, I refer to them as "birth angels,” can advocate for you and your intervention-free birth while also supporting the people in the room who know you best. Trust me, your partner will appreciate this decision. 

Bonus- Doulas usually have the inside scoop about local practitioners and their philosophies. 

Prenatal/Antenatal Care- 

Do not be a stranger to antenatal (before birth) therapies. Prenatal care goes beyond your monthly check-ups. Preventative treatment will ensure a more satisfying, more comfortable, and more holistic pregnancy. 

Get in touch with your local (and sometimes virtual) birth professionals. Bring your concerns or questions to your Empowered Birth Coaching call to receive specialized guidance on which therapies would be most beneficial for you. 

  • Pelvic floor therapy
  • Webster technique chiropractic
  • Prenatal massage 
  • Acupuncture 
  • Lactation support

These are all examples of ways to maximize baby positioning and feel your best while you embark on your pregnancy journey. These practitioners are vital additions to your team. 

Natural minded OB-GYNs are out there too! I was lucky enough to find an incredible OB-GYN who believed so strongly in the midwifery model of care, she started the first freestanding birth center in Western New York. 

My prenatal appointments lasted anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour each! She prioritized low-intervention, vaginal deliveries and worked hard to honor my birth plan. She inspired me to develop a group coaching platform after I benefited personally from sharing my experience with her other patients.

You will know when you’ve found the right fit for you and your family. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to start over if you’re not ‘vibe-ing’ with your care provider. If you’re looking for a more thorough approach to curating your dream team, contact me to set-up a complimentary consultation so we can plan for the natural birth you desire. 

Places to dig for practitioners in your area:

Trusted Empowered Birth Coaching (EBC) Catalog
Howland, G. (n.d.). How to have a natural hospital birth. Mama Natural. 

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How To Have A Natural Hospital Birth Secret #2