10 Common Baby Registry Items On My SH*T List

Mommas, don’t make the same baby registry mistakes I did; buying things I thought I needed without researching and ending up with items I didn't need/use! Register for the things that will help you actually feel supported. Not sure what those things are? Check out my lists below, some of them might surprise you!First let me show you what is on my SH*T LIST...

  1. Robot Bassinet 
  2. Formula Dispenser
  3. High Chair
  4. Changing Table  
  5. Designer Stroller
  6. Bottle Sterilizer
  7. Infant Swing
  8. Toys
  9. Baby Clothes 
  10. Baby Monitor 

 Shocked a little? I was too! Now let's get into my baby registry HIT LIST, items I feel every Mom should absolutely invest in...

  1. A Meal Train 
  2. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
  3. Postpartum Doula 
  4. Non-Biased Childbirth Education course 
  5. Books
  6. Infant CPR class
  7. Baby Carrier 
  8. Lactation Support 
  9. Birth photography 
  10. Webster Technique Chiropractic

 If a baby registry still feels intimidating then check out Be Her Village to create your registry.  Thoughts behind the rage  Robot Bassinet

  • Missed feeding cues
  • Limited mobility
  • Can we just normalize bedsharing already?

 A huge downside of using something like the Snoo, is the risk of missing newborn feeding cues. It is biologically normal for your newborn to wake up frequently. On demand feeding at this stage is critical, especially if you are breastfeeding🤱🏼! It’s one of the best ways to establish a solid milk supply. The pediatric physical therapists I have talked with have shared their concerns about the harness-style swaddle attached to the Snoo. The inability for your baby to roll and reposition their body can pose problems with facial development resulting in misalignment of the face, eyes and jaw. On average, babies grow out of a traditional swaddle by 3 months of age (my little climber was much earlier). The Snoo claims to be beneficial for 6 months- that’s double the amount of time... I also need to address the sleepy elephant in the room. I do not believe that everybody needs a bassinet or sleep container of any kind. I feel strongly about normalizing bed sharing in a safe and intentional way, as long as it aligns with your parenting goals. It’s important to give yourself grace and flexibility to do what you need to in order to feel rested. Planning ahead and educating yourself on the Safe Sleep Seven is one way to feel confident in your personal decisions. I have read statistics that say 60% to 70% of parents bed share even though they did not plan to. I have also had countless clients tell me that they have felt inclined to hide their sleep situation from their pediatrician or members of their family.   Bedsharing saved me from exhaustion and helped me to obtain my breastfeeding goals. I would not trade those baby snuggles for anything - even if it wasn't always the ideal situation. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that I was perpetuating bad baby habits, or that my son would be in my bed until he was 6 years old (if your child is - more power to you!), I would have no trouble affording the bougie Snoo. I will also share that my son transitioned into his own bed around 16 months, and has been making incredible strides with independent sleep ever since. That adjustment was easier than I anticipated for both of us. I’m glad I didn’t lose too much sleep (no pun…) worrying about what others thought.  Lastly, the Snoo is outrageously expensive. Even if you have the means, it’s a waste of hard-earned dollars in my not-so-humble-opinion. Formula Dispenser

  • Takes up space on the countertop 
  • Inconsistent formula consistency
  • Cleaning nightmare 

 For safety reasons, it is extremely important to prepare formula properly in the first 3 months of your baby's life. You would think that a company who “specializes” in producing baby feeding products would design a contraption that did the job correctly - wrong! The Baby Brezza and other formula dispensers are notorious for failing to distribute the powder evenly, leaving clumps behind. That means your baby may not be getting the right amount of nutrition in their bottle. Those powdery globs tend to clog the baby bottle, and can become a choking hazard for your infant (I know?!).  I have issues with marketing that alleges to save me time, but then creates additional chores! The Brezza instructions specifically say that parents are to thoroughly clean the dispenser after EVERY 3 BOTTLES made. Who thas time to take apart and scrub anything postpartum, let alone after every 3 uses? I would wager that most parents are either A) not following these directions, or B) simply have no idea that these instructions exist. What if I told you I have a DIY formula preparation hack that costs $12.00 (on the high end)? Register for my #RegistryRehab Workshop to get the step by step instructions and learn the proper way to prepare formula for your little one. Bonus - the clean-up is hella fast! Register Now! High Chair

  • You’ve got 6+ months to figure this one out
  • More $$$ does NOT mean any more practical 
  • We barely used it

 Let me do you a solid and tell you to press pause on typing “best high chairs of 2024” into Google. High Chairs won't even be top of mind until your baby is sitting up, unassisted, for 30 seconds. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises to wait to introduce solid foods until 6 months of age AAP Guidance My 6 month old speed-crawler was zipping around my house, but would topple right over when we sat him up. We waited until 7.5 months old to start baby-led weaning. I blindly slapped an expensive High Chair on my registry based on aesthetics instead of functionality and I HATED it. The Tripp Trapp was total crap! It’s massive, doesn’t fold up and it’s a real pain to clean. Oh and I had to buy the tray separately- seriously?! My toddler now prefers his $25 Amazon booster seat…I wish I had that $400.00 back to put toward our baby chiropractic appointments to help us fight off his severe constipation. Changing Table

  • Preferred a portable changing station in my living room
  • Total flight risk 
  • Temporary solution

 I’m sure you’re starting to pick up on a pattern here- if a baby product only serves its purpose for 6 months or less, it’s not something I deem necessary. Even though I had a magical out-of-Hospital birth, my 3.5 hour pushing phase required some extra TLC and pelvic floor recovery. Walking to the nursery to change my baby multiple times per day got old fast.  I found myself throwing a receiving blanket down on the couch more often than not. Once I was moving around more comfortably, my Houdini-baby had already started flinging his body around while I fought to change his diaper. On top of that, postpartum anxiety was very real in my house and the changing table quickly got categorized as a hazard. In pregnancy, I had purchased some handy Reusable surface protectors to save the mattress in the event my water broke in the middle of the night, and also to protect the car on our way to the Birthing Center (incase you didn’t believe me when I said I’m a serial planner). These became the go-to diaper changing pads. I brought these washable pads on vacation, used them in hotels, took them into public bathrooms, and eventually they landed back in our bed when we were bedsharing and there would be the occasional ‘dipe-leak’. At $11.00 a piece, I’d say we got our money’s worth. Designer Stroller

  • Bassinet inserts are often a waste
  • Accessories not included 
  • You’re paying for the designer name

 This is easily the biggest rabbit hole I fell down during pregnancy. My husband would tell you that I take power walking to an extreme, which is why I insisted on having the “top of the line” stroller. I figured the more versatility and capabilities described in the specs, the better the experience, right? I polled my friends who already had kids and I narrowed things down to luxury brands. I ultimately landed on the Uppa Baby. I cringed at the price tag, but justified the registry-add by pointing out that a carseat and an infant bassinet insert were both included.  Fast forward to 12 weeks postpartum we venture outside for a stroll using the bassinet insert, and baby boy is rolling and flopping around, quite pissed. After many more trials we gave up and switched to the carseat insert. We purchased 2 additional bases (each an additional $200) because we wanted the ease of transferring to the grandparent family vehicles etc. In total the spend added up to roughly $1,600.00 (I can taste the vomit pooling in my mouth).  I’ll also share that my hubby spends time working in Florida each year, so we spend a significant amount of time down South visiting with family. I ordered a $220.00 jogger TheBetterBuy to leave down there. I would be full of sh*t if I didn’t admit that I like that stroller a lot better. It has (2) cup holders, a huge sun shade that shields more of my baby’s body, and a spot for my phone- all accessories I had to purchase separately for the Upp-Yours. It also came with a simple but safe car seat which we were able to leave down there!  Bottle Sterilizer

  • Completely unnecessary 
  • You likely already own the supplies you’ll need
  • Large footprint 

 What if I told you that sterilizing your baby's bottles after each use is completely unnecessary? You heard that right- the baby industry jerks carefully crafted this as a problem to solve, when in reality it’s not even an issue. Unless you have a NICU baby, in which case I totally understand wanting to sterilize the bottles for those initial few months as an extra precaution, there is simply no need to do it. Same thing goes for pump parts. Sterilize everything when it first comes out of the package- after that, save yourself some serious time.Spring for a bottle brush, pull your salad bowl out from above your refrigerator and grab your universal-use free and clear dish soap. Or if you have one, just use the top rack of the damn dishwasher. I prefer glass baby bottles because they don't stain, they are easier to clean, they are dishwasher safe and they are practically indestructible. Protect the precious real estate on your kitchen counter!  Infant swing

  • Limited use per day/limited use overall
  • Not safe for sleep- ever!
  • Tummy time is better

 PSA: Not all babies enjoy a baby swing. Come to find out babies have individual preferences too- who knew? I am aware that this is not everyone's experience, however the rule of thumb in my house quickly became: if my child needed to be strapped into something, he found a way out. He much preferred to be held or worn. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a total of 1-hour spent in an infant swing per day, broken down into (2) 30 minute sessions max AAPOnInfantSwings. Their recommendation stems from concerns about developing a flat head and they aim to encourage tummy time instead.  Babies should never be left to sleep in a swing- ever. I can feel your forehead furrowing as you read that, but the truth behind this is pretty dark. No product that has more than a 10 degree incline is safe for sleep. Your babes noodle neck and lack of head control can lead to positional asphyxiation. Evidence to support this rule was established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2022 SwingSafety. Even if your baby is literally swinging right next to you, their airway could be cut off. If you have to fold the laundry, you could always place baby on a blanket on the floor where they can see you.  Infant Toys

  • Overstimulating
  • Adds to clutter
  • Negatively affects attention-span 

 I have taken the liberty to scour the internet, survey veteran moms, look through baby magazines, and read countless parental blogs to determine the best of the best when it comes to infant and toddler toys. I have curated the perfect list of appropriate infant toys so you do not have to do any of the heavy lifting. Are you ready for this?? Kitchen spatula (preferably silicone) doubles as a teether- you’re welcome 😉Tupperware (store in a low level cabinet so that pulling every single thing out becomes a game)Decoy TV remote (make sure it looks exactly like the actual remote or baby won't have any interest)Plastic coat hangerEmpty prenatal vitamin bottlesCardboard boxPots and pansYoga mat, yoga block or bolster **Please refrain from selling this list on the web, it’s proprietary  Baby clothes

  • Baby grows out of certain sizes wicked fast
  • Snaps and buttons are the devil 
  • Pre-loved is the way to go

 I asked for pre-loved baby clothes on my registry and Moms crawled out of the woodwork bringing me huge totes of gently-worn clothing. It was SO clutch. I supplemented the wardrobe I was gifted with some inexpensive plain-jane onesies and a few sleep sacks to get us through the first couple of Winter months, but after that I legit never had to buy clothes for little man. Not surprisingly, I also received a TON of cutsie-tootsie outfits that were a total b*tch to put on the squirm worm (and most of which he grew out of before I even had a chance to cycle through the sizes).  You never actually know when your kid is going to go through a massive growth spurt. For example, my baby blew through 0-3 month clothes but hung out in 6 month stuff for a long while. That ping pong continued on through the stages. We’re big on dirt, play-doh and markers in our house, so expensive outfits just aren’t our thing. Word to the wise, ask for hand-me-downs if that’s your jam and order whatever you need to fill in the gaps. Or ask your MIL to run out and get some bigger ‘grippy sockies’ when she comes by along with 2 full days worth of meals! Baby monitor

  • There’s such a thing as too much tracking
  • Size of your home helps determine if you even need one
  • To wifi or not to wifi? Is a legit question.

 Honestly, the fancier the baby monitor, the more I hate it. Real talk, if you’re predisposed to anxiety, I caution you against any baby products that track things that don't need to be charted. I especially rage against companies that claim to offer peace of mind, but then their products have the opposite effect.  The Owlet is a perfect example of overkill. The FDA issued a cease and desist on the labeling of this product as a “medical device” because parents were getting false readings and rushing their infant to the ER, only to find out the gadget just sucks. Put yourself in those poor parent’s shoes for a second and you'll see there are zero regulations around marketing baby products.  If you have strong emotions about monitoring your baby, let’s talk about why. Evaluate your home, if you live in an apartment or an older house, you may not even need a monitor (or maybe the video feature isn’t as important to you). I liked having eyes on my little monkey because he was known to escape. I registered for an inexpensive wifi camera WifiCam for $30 and used its handy App often. I also registered for a second, portable, battery operated, longer range camera that did not require wifi. It was great for traveling and boating. I still use this $80 NoWifiCam whenever we do an over-night. Nonna used this one at her house a lot too! Meal Train

  • Cooking with babies (and toddlers) is HARD 
  • Grocery shopping is overwhelming 
  • Food makes everyone happy

 Nothing shows postpartum love like food, amirite? Register for meals all day long! As someone who absolutely loved to cook as a hobby before baby, it quickly turned into a dreaded chore. No one could have prepared me for the huge appetite increase I experienced from nursing around the clock. Snacks were just not cutting it- I needed nutrient-dense, delicious, hot, sustenance.  Grocery shopping was inconvenient and required planning. If I had any spare time at all, I needed to lay the F down and sleep. Standing over the stove producing food for my family was not in the cards in those early weeks. I had strategically stocked my freezer with what I thought would be enough frozen meals, but those were gone within 2-3 weeks. Whether you ask a friend to coordinate an old school meal train, or you utilize one of these tools: MealsForMama, FeedHerForever, I promise you will not regret prioritizing this registry must-have.  Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

  • Benefits in pregnancy
  • Benefits in labor
  • Benefits in recovery 

 In France pelvic floor physical therapy is a standard of postpartum care. Meanwhile in the US most people shrug their shoulders when they hear about it for the first time.  I was fortunate enough to start pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy, thanks to my Doula’s advice. As a lifelong dancer I had a lot to learn about rebalancing the muscles of my pelvic floor.  Sessions helped me focus on flexibility and stability rather than strength. The breathwork we did, especially diaphragmatic breathing, helped me prepare for labor and for pushing (something I was def nervous about). Regular check-ins allowed me to feel confident dancing up until 37 weeks, and if I had questions about what exercises were deemed safe, I was able to get a real time assessment.  There was also something to be said about establishing this relationship ahead of time so that the connection was organic and comfortable well before the baby's arrival. I was so happy to see her when it was time to talk about recovery (and sex).  Postpartum Doula

  • Helps set boundaries with family and visitors 
  • Helps with chores- like for real for real 
  • Someone to talk to.. who gets it

 I dropped the ball big time here. By the time I started to learn of these postpartum angels, I felt like my planning capacity had come to an end. Not knowing what I didn’t know, I brushed this off and very much regret it.  When I was in the thick of it all, I wasn’t thinking clearly enough to truly problem solve- but man do I wish I had revisited this option. I am going to go out on a limb here and talk about something that I think poses a universal problem for many: I come from a very large Italian family on both sides. I thought I had postpartum in the bag.  I did not realize what support looked like for me as an individual. Now I know what I truly needed: it was an army of experts and professionals who would spend the time to get to know the new me, learn of my goals and stop at nothing to help me reach them. I needed more therapies and less people to ‘hold my baby.’ I needed more support and less stuff.  Non-Biased Childbirth Education Class

  • Increased confidence going into labor and delivery
  • Insuring an autonomous birth experience 
  • Eliminating fear 

 If you've been in my community for any amount of time, you know how I feel about Hospital-sponsored childbirth education classes. For obvious reasons they tend to focus on teaching you how to be a “good patient” who accepts routine interventions without questioning things, instead of how to have an uninterrupted, physiological birth. I digress.  This opinionated Mama has her own thoughts about what a stellar childbirth ed. class should include: 

  1. Understanding birth as a transformative rite of passage with the power to heal wounds and call upon your inner strength. 
  2. Finding a delicate balance between evidence and your intuition. 
  3. How to exercise your autonomy by taking radical ownership of your options in birth. 
  4. Emphasizing the importance of building a dream team of care providers and support around you. Uncovering the coping skills and inner work that will help you process and tackle your fears head on. Effectively communicating your desires and birth plan. 
  5. Ways to nourish your body, mind and soul throughout pregnancy and postpartum.
  6. The foundations of breastfeeding and how to care for yourself as you recover in the 4th trimester. 

If this speaks to you check out my newest digital course:Ball's In Your Court: Know Your Options & Avoid The Cascade of Interventions Not Your Average Online Childbirth Edu Course Books

  • Bonding opportunity
  • Increased cognitive development
  • Passed down through generations 

 I was Determined to build my little man's library so I asked my shower attendees to bring a favorite book- either handed down or new. We went home with 75+ books (bigggg family), some cloth, some board, some paper, some pop-up etc. etc. all with thoughtful messages on their inside covers.  Not only did reading become part of my son's daily routine, but it is some of my favorite bonding time together at night. But there are endless reasons to ask for books on the registry. Reading also strengthens children’s social, emotional, and character development. According to a recently published study reading to very young children is linked to decreased levels of aggression, hyperactivity, and attention difficulties. These are some feel-good parenting hacks right here (Kris, 2018)! Infant CPR Class

  • A safety no-brainer 
  • More comfortable implementing baby-led-weaning
  • Emergency protocol at your fingertips Download this App!

 Although not as glamorous as some other postpartum services, I hope we can all agree on the importance of having life-saving skills (fingers crossed you never need to use them). Popping an infant CPR and first aid class on your registry is not only practical but responsible.  The Red Cross has an amazing app you can download right on your phone and it will talk you through how to handle emergency situations- they also offer certifications all over the US Online Infant CPR Class. I highly encourage you to schedule a refresher course around 6 months postpartum so your skills (and those of baby’s caregivers) are sharp when you start introducing solid food. For all of my baby-led-weaning fans, here’s a great podcast episode with Brandon Doersken, founder of Thrive Training Institute which is an online CPR program. ThriveTrainingCPR Baby carrier

  • Multi-tasking 101
  • Benefits for both Mama & baby
  • Hands-free breastfeeding potential 

 It’s not a coincidence that one of the only actual products that I encourage on the registry has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. In a way, baby wearing in itself is a therapy. I struggled in the fourth trimester because I often felt torn between wanting to keep my household in order 🧹and wanting to hold my baby. Wearing him gave me the freedom to move around the house, feed myself, and soothe the little man simultaneously.  I don't even know what I would have done if I hadn't spent the time to master my baby wrap. At first they can be intimidating to say the least. Do yourself a favor and look into a baby wearing educator. No, I had never even heard of these gurus either.  Baby wearing, like many parenting skills, takes some serious practice and trial and error. With the right carrier, the right fit, and some individualized attention, the likelihood for sustainability skyrockets. The benefits to baby wearing for parents and caregivers are profound. Baby Wearing Benefits  Lactation consultant 

  • Help with latch
  • Help with pumping
  • Help with supply

 OK so ensuring that your baby has proper nutrition is a full time undertaking. It’s one that ebbs and flows- there is smooth sailing and there are times filled with hiccups. Whether using formula, breastfeeding or combo feeding, having the right support lined up ahead of time is invaluable.  Just this week, a client who plans to exclusively pump asked me why I recommended that she add lactation support to her registry. While it may not be everyone's experience pumping overwhelmed the F out of me. I now know the many simple tips and tricks that would have made a world of difference. In addition to knowing how to use my pump, the science and philosophy behind when and how often to use my pump would have also been extremely useful.  Having a direct line of communication with an IBCLC or feeding professional is something I will always advise. Milk storage, supply, production, formula consistency, donor milk options, colostrum harvesting. This list of learned skills to tip the scale in your favor seems endless. Have an expert at your fingertips. Birth photography 

  • Capture fleeting moments
  • Candids are not corny
  • The ability to re-live your amazing birth

 Getting glammed up and taking a bunch of carefully curated and ‘posey’ photographs is not my thing at all. Sadly I let these thoughts cloud my judgment, and I never even considered the possibility of a birth photographer. If only I could go back in time nothing about the photos that would have been taken during my birth would have been cheesy or awkward. I sincerely wish that I had images or video documenting the most empowering, transformative experience of my entire life thus far. I would hold that footage sacred.  I find myself replaying my birth story in my mind on a regular basis to keep the details fresh and tangible. I have written it down with time stamps, but I would do anything to have caught certain memories on camera. Let your friends and family contribute to a birth photographer if it feels right, you will thank me later.  Webster Chiropractic 

  • Optimal baby positioning
  • Can reduce the time of labor
  • Help with pregnancy symptoms 

 I sang my chiropractor’s praises well before I was pregnant. The constant training and dance performances would inevitably throw my body out of alignment and create imbalances on the reg. I’ve learned over time that a misaligned spine or joints have adverse implications that are even more of a problem during pregnancy. These can manifest as an increased back curve, pelvic changes and postural alterations.  The benefits of routine chiropractic care are vast. Relieving back, neck and joint pain are probably the most obvious reasons someone would book a chiro. But the proper manipulation of the body encourages optimal baby positioning can reduce the time of labor and delivery, can help control symptoms of nausea, etc. etc. etc, (Borggren, 2007). I have seen improvements with my son’s digestive issues and overall body tension since allowing her to use non-invasive techniques on him.  Bonus- my family chiro is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to holistic remedies and someone I feel connected to and happy to have on our wellness care team. (www.americanpregnancy.org, 2022) So friends please know that I have ZERO affiliation with any of the products that I have linked to. I just want to share what has worked for my fam. These thoughts and opinions are solely mine, and I pass no judgment on parents who feel or do things differently. You do you! This information and other content explored during or outside of sessions or in any shared link materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.  References https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/why-reading-aloud-to-kids-helps-them-thriveBorggren, C. L. (2007). Pregnancy and chiropractic: A narrative review of the literature. PubMed Central (PMC). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2647084/https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/chiropractic-care-during-pregnancy/ 

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15 min Ask my anything callRegistry build session15 min vent session


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